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The Aatsinki Season
Map of Lapland

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In recent years, speculators have shown an increased interest in the uranium reserves of Finland despite relatively low concentrations of the radioactive metal.

Uranium prices peaked in 2007, a rise that led to a worldwide explosion of mining and exploration, and some analysts believe there will be another spike in 2013.

Though uranium mines may bring money and job opportunities to an area, their environmental and social costs are devastating and incalculable. Show your support for the anti-mining movement by signing a petition against uranium and gold mining in Kuusamo, Finland or joining Lapland's People Against Uranium Power (in Finnish).


The Aatsinkis began herding reindeer in Finnish Lapland six generations ago. Though the family is not indigenous to the region, they lead a traditional life and are working against the odds to pass this herding heritage on to their children.

In recent years, they have come up against many of the same kinds of challenges that face indigenous peoples around the globe, from conflicts over land use to underrepresentation in national and international governing bodies.

You can help families like the Aatsinkis by learning about threats to the land rights of indigenous communities and supporting the Human Rights Fund for Indigenous Peoples, which was established to increase the participation of indigenous representatives in the United Nations.

The Aatsinki Season